William the Conqueror, Rye Harbour, Shepherd Neame

Contact us

Important info about bookings

If you send an enquiry about bookings by email, please note your booking is not confirmed unless we personally send you a specific confirmation. If you don't hear from us please call to check on 01797 223315

If sending an email to book a table, please provide the following information:

  • Name // Party size // Contact number // Time and date of booking

Send an email

Opening times

Opening times

  1. Monday - Wednesday
    1. -
  2. Thursday & Friday
    1. -
  3. Saturday
    1. -
  4. Sunday
    1. -

Food serving times

Please note that takeaway is also available during our food serving times

  1. Monday - Wednesday
    1. -
  2. Thursday & Friday
    1. -
    2. -
  3. Saturday
    1. -
  4. Sunday
    1. -

Contact us

You can find us here

Rye Harbour, Rye, TN31 7TU

01797 223315